If you're using ProtonVPN with the Kill Switch feature on a Debian based operating system (such as Ubuntu/Pop_OS!), you may find yourself unable to connect to the internet after restarting your computer or resuming from sleep (if you did not disconnect from the VPN server first).
To fix this issue you will need to remove the kill switch virtual network device
(or whatever it is..). First list all your internet connections using nmcli
$ nmcli connection show
You'll see something like this:
MyWifiSSID 298398sj-9829-djk1-jskj-1uiidkjs1988 wifi wlp0s20f1
pvpn-killswitch 209092dj-2989-duue-2898-2989sj29isj2 dummy pvpnksintrf0
pvpn-ipv6leak-protection 00f7e209-2898-djkj-2892-289be298f298 dummy ipv6leakintrf0
You'll need to delete the two interfaces starting with pvpn
like so:
$ nmcli connection delete pvpn-killswitch
$ nmcli connection delete pvpn-ipv6leak-protection
And as always here's a way to script this:
$ nmcli connection show | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep pvpn | xargs nmcli connection delete