📅 Get beginning and end of week with Moment.js

April 26, 2018|
1 min read
  • javascript

Originally posted by me on Hashrocket TIL

To get the date for beginning of week for a date in moment you can use the startOf and endOf functions on moment objects.

const today = moment();
const from_date = today.startOf('week');
const to_date = today.endOf('week');
  from_date: from_date.toString(),
  today: moment().toString(),
  to_date: to_date.toString(),

// {
//   from_date: "Sun Apr 22 2018 00:00:00 GMT-0500",
//   today: "Thu Apr 26 2018 15:18:43 GMT-0500",
//   to_date: "Sat Apr 28 2018 23:59:59 GMT-0500"
// }

NOTE: Remember that the start of week will depend on the user's locale settings on their machine. If you want to use start of week based on ISO 8601 you can use moment().startOf('isoWeek');

The same technique can be used for start of month (startOf('month')), start of year (startOf('year')) and even quarter (startOf('quarter');).

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