Install node modules in subdir without a CD

February 01, 2019|
1 min read
  • javascript

Originally posted by me on Hashrocket TIL

So yea you don't need a friend to send you a CD-ROM anymore to install node modules. You can use the World Wide Web! Pretty exciting.

On a more serious note, if your front-end is stored in a sub directory of your project, for example:

❯ tree -d -L 2
├── assets
|   ├── package.json
|   └── package-lock.json
└── app

Normally you would cd into assets, run npm i, and cd back out to the project root so you can go back to doing important things:

cd assets
npm i
cd -

Or you can push and pop, cause you're kinda smart

pushd assets && npm i && popd

Or if you're a really cool kid you'd use a sub-shell

(cd assets && npm i)

But wait! There's another option - use the prefix CLI option in NPM!

npm i --prefix assets

It works really well for those long Dockerfile RUN statements.

© 2023, Dorian Karter