Written by Dorian Karter, a Sr. Software Engineer
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  1. I just read this blog post. It showed, in JavaScript, how to convert country code string to its respective flag emoji, and I wanted to see…

  2. Hey! just wanted to share that my dotfiles were featured on the Dotfiles publication on Substack by Adib Hanna https://dotfiles.substack.com…

  3. Introduction Seeking a hands-on way to further explore Mermaid — a remarkable JavaScript diagramming and charting tool — I decided to apply…

  4. When using Lua inside of Neovim you may need to view the contents of Lua tables, which are a first class data structure in Lua world. Tables…

  5. I recently learned about a delightful new(ish) feature in Elixir's GenServer that managed to slip under my radar. This feature is the…

  6. (Maybe Obvious) Preamble What is DNS? Wife: What's DNS? Me: It's that thing you use every day when you browse the web on your phone. Me…

  7. In Rust when you pass a variable to a function it is technically "moved". That means the the caller looses ownership of the variable and can…

  8. To remove duplicate lines in Vim you can pipe a selection from the current buffer into : Select all lines you want to dedup (linewise) and…

  9. I recently scraped all my old Hashrocket TIL posts and re-posted them here on my blog. One of the reasons is that I wanted to have all that…

  10. One of my favorite Vim mappings is gx. When hovering over a URL with the cursor in normal mode and using this mapping, Vim will open the URL…

  11. TL; DR: add this function to your / to create a PR from a Jira ticket: If you use Jira at work, but prefer to live in the terminal whenever…

  12. My guitar teacher introduced me to this performance by Group 15 (Tom Aalfs, Peter Bernstein and Jay Leonhart) of the song Eronel by…

  13. What's with the name? Retrovertigo is a song by one of my favorite, and most eccentric bands out there, Mr. Bungle. This song was released…

  14. Read about why I started a new blog, technologies used, and my publishing philosophy

  15. When you are trying to debug something it is usually helpful to see the stacktrace of what called a function. If you're inside of a…

  16. If you are on a Linux machine and trying to run you may get . That is because some Linux distros don't come with it bundled by default. On…

  17. TIL that you can display visual fold markers in Vim's gutter by setting the ! The number indicates how wide the gutter holding the fold…

  18. I've written here before about how to pretty-print JSON in Vim but since then I have found an even easier method using . jq is an amazing…

  19. TIL I learned about a really useful, open source, image optimization app called ImageOptim. This app will help you batch resize image files…

  20. Imagine the following file: sed.test If you want to delete a line matching a regular expression (e.g. ), you can use at the end of your…

  21. The ping utility is super useful for debugging network issues on docker, but it's package name is not as intuitive as . To get it on your…

  22. Browsers allow you to capture a event in a DOM element [1] [2]. This event fires before any clipboard data is inserted into the document…

  23. So yea you don't need a friend to send you a CD-ROM anymore to install node modules. You can use the World Wide Web! Pretty exciting. On a…

  24. When you type that long feature branch name or URL but then want to delete it you have a few options, but hopefully you don't hold your…

  25. Vim provides command for ordering lines in an ascending order, but what if you want to sort the lines in a reverse order? Linux's to the…

  26. If you need to use a different SSH key for a git command such as you can do so by setting the environment variable like so: This can…

  27. When you need to transfer a lot of files from one location to another it's sometimes useful to have some progress indication and maybe even…

  28. By default, Firefox does not support the VP9 WebM codec sites like YouTube use to deliver 4k quality video. If you visit a video that…

  29. My ls command colors directories and files according to their type and permissions: ls with color But when the window is too small to fit…

  30. Sometimes your desktop gets cluttered with windows of different running applications which makes it difficult to concetrate on the task at…

  31. Javascript provides the ability to create custom errors by modifying the prototype of a function to the Error protorype. This is how one…

  32. Using a proxy can be a good way to debug http issues. Unfourtunately setting the proxy on macOS globally does not apply to all command line…

  33. You can pipe text into vim directly from stdin. This can be helpful if you want to edit the output of a long bash command, or if you want to…

  34. Dates can be notoriously hard, particularly when it comes to timezones. If you select a date without timezone information and cast it to a…

  35. By default vim treats two words connected with an underscore e.g. as a vim word text-object. This is very useful because you can then use…

  36. Vim provides a simple text file encryption feature. To make use of it add the following to your .vimrc: This will set the encryption to the…

  37. Ever wonder what a command you are using is? Turns out linux has the answers for you! Simply type followed by the name of the command…

  38. If you are writing a procedural bash script, you may want to stop execution if one of the steps errored out. You can write error handling…

© 2025, Dorian Karter